Olikka Security Halo

Benny Yee
Published on 12 January 2020

Making a Complex Decision Simple

With a new security solution ready for market, Olikka needed a fresh, interactive approach to turn a complex landscape into an easy decision for prospective clients. Olikka had developed a simplified security offering for customers while still needing to demonstrate the multiple phases and streams to choose from.

Olikka turned to Riality Check to design an accessible, interactive microsite to improve security decision-making, while also integrating a content management solution to make in-house updates easy.

While knowing the limitations of an existing platform, the end result was a custom-built solution using React and the flexibility of SVG for the graphical presentation. Providing guidance on site accessibility, interaction and overall design, we were able to provide an effective decision-making tool for Olikka’s clients.

Designing for Decision Making

Step one was providing wireframes followed by high fidelity mockups. The build began with graphics designed in Illustrator and imported into React, allowing for targeted elements for any required interaction.

With a large amount of content to display, it was most important to make every phase and stream accessible and legible on all devices. We also needed to ensure the experience was seamless, to keep the user connected while exploring the content. This was achieved by navigating the users into the sub-levels of the site by zooming transitions and scrolling progress markers.

Not only did the resulting Security Halo microsite offer all information in a simple way, Olikka has been able to work alongside potential clients to browse and interact with their security solutions.

Click to view the Olikka Security Halo or you can find out more about Olikka’s cutting edge solutions here.