Olikka Transcription

Benny Yee
Published on 28 April 2020

The proof is in Artificial Intelligence

Using Artificial Intelligence technology, Olikka required a proof-of-concept application to deliver a client solution that reduced costs and administration time in everyday tasks.

The application had to enable the transcription of voice recordings without the need for any data entry, allowing the user to review the process and make amendments along the way.

With UI design and development, the result was a working prototype ready for client approval and future business development.

Intelligent, efficient transcribing.
Transcribing, intelligently.

The app’s core purpose was to review transcriptions, so allowing the user to listen to the source sound files was key. The end users also needed to be able to undo corrections, which was provided through a simple ‘history’ list, allowing them to undo changes at any part of the review process.

Playback of the audio was also a key element, which was provided alongside speed options and time stamping to allow for ease of retrieval.

We provided intelligent word suggestions as both predetermined and free form, drawing on the new AI model’s ability to provide a confidence level of word match. This meant we could indicate that confidence level visually to the user, giving them a clear hierarchy.